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Daniel Tenant, PhD

Professor of Chemistry

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 I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at the CEPREMAP in Paris. This fall, I will be defending my Ph.D., which I conducted at the Center for Economic Behavior and Inequality (CEBI) of the University of Copenhagen and VIVE (The Danish National Center for Social Research).

My core research area is health economics, focusing on early investment—especially prenatal care and its social externalities. I am also interested in gender economics, political economics, and law and economics.

 I have held conferences on evidence-based policy and causal inference for associations (Effective Altruism France), popular science events (REC Toulouse), or companies (L'Oréal).  Those could be general-audience or more technical and targeted toward statisticians and data-scientists who are not familiar with microeconometric methods. I have held those interventions in French so far, but I would be happy to give the same talks in English. You can email me by clicking here

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